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FUZE Beads Iron-Fuse Melty Plastic Tube Beads 5mm STRIPED SEA GREEN AND WHITE [10 grams ~200 pcs]

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Bead Size: 5x5mm

Hole Size: Approx 3mm

Use Medium Heat setting on Iron (and baking paper on top of design between beads and iron) to fuse beads together on a design-peg board.

Similar beads in the style of Hama Beads or Perler Beads or Pyssla Beads

Shaped like DELICA Beads, but JUMBO! 

These JUMBO DELICA-STYLE Plastic Tube Beads can be used like DELICA SEED BEADS, peyote/brick weave them with cords (e.g. nylon macrame knotting cords), string them easily with elastic threads or leather cords - they have large holes, economical and are PERFECT for beading with KIDS! 

Normally our FUZE BEADS are to be used on peg boards and ironed/melted to form a beady/pixel-art image, but these are proving to be a super popular choice for BRIGHT, BOLD and HAPPY beaded fashion jewellery designs. The awesome range of POP RAINBOW and HIGHLIGHTER / NEON colours is incredibly FUN and WHIMSICAL! They will work well with Polymer Clay Beads and seed beads too. Happy Beading!